
You’re Not the Average Tourist. We’re Not the Average Tour.
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What is a Ren Adventures Tour?

RenAdventures’ cost-conscious cultural tours & adventures range from 7-10 day stays and delve into the culture, history, music, architecture, and cuisine of our destinations. Unlike most tour companies, RenAdventures’ tour leaders are not only first-rate tour guides, they are also world class travelers and entertainers with exclusive access to one-of-a-kind, eclectic tour activities!

Medieval & Renaissance festivals and fairs
Historic site visits
Medieval banquets & feasts
Live entertainment
Cooking lessons with local chefs 
Winery visits
Outdoor activities such as river rafting, cave tours, active volcano visits, & more!
Museum visits
Church & cathedral visits
Hot air balloon rides

For those of you who have encountered our performers on stage, now come and let us guide you through a tour from the perspective of a well-traveled world entertainer!  Our current destinations include Sicily, Tuscany, Rome, Egypt, and Cornwall, England. Stay tuned for tour packages in the Czech Republic and Germany!

“The Sicily Tour was, in a word, ‘stellar’! The entire experience was first class.”

Rowan Wilke

“I’d go again every year if I could, and do plan on another trip with them!

Diana Ballew

“Would I go on another tour with RenAdventures? Absolutely—the sooner the better!”

Cherie Ferro

“It’s a once in a lifetime trip that you will not forget!”

Beth Burroughs

Go on the Adventure of a lifetime!

Book your trip now!